Monique Journod

Monique Journod was born March 14, 1935 in Rome, Italy and is an Internationally Renowned French Artist. Her professional honors began with the First Prize of Rome in 1962. She attended the “Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts de Paris" (Atelier Chaplain-Midy) where she studied with Roger Chapelain-Midy (1904-1992). Journod is also the President of the Painting Section of the Salon of French Artists. Her work is representational, and includes both still life and landscape paintings. In her classical approach, she brings a full range of experience to the canvas as she fills the painting with depth, color and life. Chetkin Gallery is proud to have been representing Monique Journod for over 20 years.


- Prix Signature
- Prix Antal
- Prix Othon Friez
- Prix du Ministere de la Cooperation
- Medaille d’Or et Grang Prix du Salon des Artistes Francais
- Prix de Chatou
- Prix de Taverny
- Prix de la Rose d’Or a Doue la Fontaine
- Medaille de la Ville de Mantes la Jolie
- Prix des Femmes Peintres
- Prix Henri Farman
- Prix Alphones de Neuville et Sanford Saltus
- Prix Taylor
- Prix de Barbizon
- Prix Cottet
- Prix de la Nationale des Beaux Arts
- 1991 The Grande Prix et Invitee d’Honneur Salon de Versailles


- Chetkin Gallery, Red Bank, NJ
- Elca- London Gallery, Montreal
- Farber Gallery, Zurich
- Georges Gallery, London
- Yamato Gallery, Tokyo
- Phillipes Galleries, Houston


- Salon des Peintres Temonies de Leur Temps
- Salon des Artistes Francais
- Salon d’Automne
- Salon Comparaisons
- La Nationale des Beaux Arts
- Salon of Drawings and Watercolors
- Terres Latines
- F.I.A.P. de Paris
- Festival Estival de Paris
- Biennale de Sao Paolo
- Hermitage Museum , Leningrad
- Pouchkine Museum, Moscow
- Palais de la Decouverte
- Salon des Jeunes et Grands d’Aujourd’Hui
- Salon de la Peinture a l’eau

Oil paintings have been purchased by the State and City of Paris for the National Museum.


France, USA, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, Germany, England and Brazil