Eric Cire (France)
They are beautiful, whatever side you may gaze at them from, the bronze or terra-cotta women sculpted by Eric Cire. They just could be sisters or cousins to those MAYLLOL’s statuettes, which are arresting, heavy and yet harmonious in their attitudes, sumptuous in their nakedness. We can all find the image of the artist’s inner requirements. Woman is celebrated but does not seem to be posing, she is normal, well-balanced, touching in ordinary gestures, the universal woman, the power and the grace of the everlasting feminine…
A. Busser (Art Critic)
1974 Bas Relief pour la Coloniale (armee)
1974 Reliquarie de Voltri, pour un morceau de la vrai croix
1975 Beaux Arts Provence, medaille d’argent
1977 Ministere de l’Industrie, medaille de bronze
Musee Historique du Centre Var
Centre d’Archeologie de Roquebrune
Boca-Raton, Martin Galleries
New York, Art Expo Jacob J. Convention Center
Cannes, Galerie Arpe
Los Angeles, International Art Expo
Philadelphie, Art Escape
Dallas, Dillion Gallery
Larchmont, New-York, Graphics Pleasures
Nantucket (USA), Hoorn-Hasby Gallery
Palm Beach (USA), Martin Galleries
Aix-en-Provence, Galerie “La Cimaise”
Metz, Galerie des Maitres Contemporains